Friday, January 23, 2009

A Quick Update

Good evening to Everyone. We have had a fairly long day today as we had a lot of things that needed to be done to provide more support for the victims of the flood in the West.

We noted the very somber yet thought provoking article written by RFN. We thank them for the article and agree that the way forward one day will be the PM handing over the reigns to civilian rule. Unfortunately, that day has not come yet as there is much to be done and the work needed to be done has not finished. We hope you will continue to work with us to take this nation forward. On the other hand, we note with great disappointment that the bandits at SV have not stopped complaining. In fact, the site seems to be uncertain as to which direction to take with issues.

This fact has been noticed after the site screamed that the PM should attend the PIF and voice Fiji's views. In the same breath, the site tells the Australian and NZ govts. not to grant him access to their countries as he flies to the PIF. We're not too sure who has been on the weed wagon longer but the cracks continue to get deeper and wider in the SV camp. Bloggers seem to be taking sides and bad-mouthing one another without any concern for language used or the excessive racism that the site has encouraged without regard for their actions. We hope that bloggers such as Budhau will eventually see the light and leave the site to join our cause and take the country to new heights.

Our recent exposure of the SV bloggers identities has unleashed a barrage of criticism from the SV supporters. We stand by our blog and maintain our articles authenticity. The bloggers at SV are no doubt worried as the military keeps a close tab on such blogs and our recent revelations are no doubt a blessing for them. Perhaps, if the bloggers who have been exposed have any sense of decency, they would blog under their real names now. We don't need to state our names because the anti-govt. bloggers already know our identity. If one were to take a reality check on the SV site, one would see that the site is quickly running out of ammunition as they now resort to publishing entire speeches by Presidents of the US instead of focusing on issues in Fiji, as quite rightly stated by a number of bloggers on the site. Perhaps the site should rename itself and focus on lobbying for or against bills passed by the new President. Our hacker contacted us yesterday acknowledging receipt of our congratulations for a job well done. Doubtless, we will be seeing more fireworks in the coming days from that camp.

We welcome the decision by the PIF to defer the meeting. Their genuine acceptance of our current situation should serve as a message to the two lumbering hulks, Australia and NZ, that they are never going to be allowed to become wedges in the true pacific spirit. We hope that the meeting which will be held in the future will be one we can attend and sincerely look forward to hosting it in Fiji. That should show the world and the uncouth SV bloggers that we are genuine in our efforts and that their rants are similar to the growls of a toothless and nail-clipped tiger. Eventually that tiger will tire of its exertions and we will once again move in to shut down the site.

We welcome all our supporters to continue their hard work of taking the nation forward and to all those who have sacrificed their livelihoods to building Fiji into a better place to live, we are indebted to you and your families. Vinaka.


Anonymous said...

A big vinaka vakalevu to the soldiers for deducting a days pay for the flooding victims which was not reported by the biased fijitimes and fijisun. Where is Tuivakilakila Waqairaru of the methodist church??? Most of the victims are methodist and other christian and non christian denominations are helping except the methodists. Where is the nurses union and the Fijian Teachers Union? The people need your help not your cheap political talk.

Anonymous said...

Is Vilisi Naiduku a woman??? The name Vilisi is a womans name isnt it?

Anonymous said...

I guess you can eat your words about the deferment of the PIF. Why should they change plans for the self installed chief Bainiyali bastard? I guess that was Somare's idea only, and a couple of Fijian heads had to roll because of it. Will be interesting to see if the Bastard himself attends, or whether he will send his Indo boys to do his side-stepping for him.

Anonymous said...

For the Pooh bandits at SV

There is nothing more desperate than those of whom who hide behind the veil of anonymity to perpetuate their despicable thoughts, which from its incipience it is plain to ascertain their intensions were not of the public interest.

But serving of their deceit and lies coupled with lust to politicise their ends which is often predicated on prevarications and deceptions thus is the modus operandi of those that are lost between reality and phantasm, this is a clear case of where the ends does not justify the means.

Their views are influenced by those who conceal from the public their dastardly deeds; these are people that are more inclined to be indecorous among others things lack substantive realism.

The purpose of their being is to cultivate in the minds of those that are interest in their distorted beliefs it’s alright to engage in anal copulation and use prosthetic devices for their respective sexual gratification all the while preaching among other things Freedom and Democracy.

They are nothing more than a sick lot of misguided fools spinning around on an off centre fulcrum with no purpose in life but to gravitate towards their psychotic world where the scum of the earth resides.

Anonymous said...

To Jone who said
"There is nothing more desperate than those of whom who hide behind the veil of anonymity to perpetuate their despicable thoughts, which from its incipience it is plain to ascertain their intensions were not of the public interest."

And what do you think you are doing hiding behind this blog. Have you taken your happy pills today? You are very mad and confused. Demented and deranged. That's the trouble when a fool like you gets a hold of some one else's idea and try to pass it off. You come out sounding like a loony tune who has no realistic view of your own. Is that the kind of fantasy you have for your children you poor filthy sod.